Rulings + Decisions
Swallows Rest Apple Cider

The Independent Complaints Panel looks at all the evidence and makes a decision on whether the complaint is “Not Upheld” or “Upheld”. The Portman Group then publish these decisions in detail, which can be found below.
We also publish reports on the findings of the Panel. The latest version, 25 Years of Responsible Alcohol Regulation: a Spotlight on 2021, reflects on the achievements in 2021 and the whole 25 years of our work as a responsible alcohol regulator.
News Articles
Rulings + Decisions
Tank Slapper Apple Cider
Rulings + Decisions
Moustache Mango
Rulings + Decisions
Shaky Todd Cider
Rulings + Decisions
Jam Shed point-of-sale material display
Rulings + Decisions
Hello Kitty Pinot Noir
Rulings + Decisions
Rulings + Decisions