

Company: Westbay Distributors Ltd
Breach: No
Final Decision: 24 September 1996

Considered under the 1st Edition of the Code

Complaint Summary

“The way in which the label of this drink is designed places far greater emphasis on the alcoholic strength of the drink than the rest of the information, other than the name of the drink, the lettering of which is marginally larger. In this way the alcoholic strength becomes almost as dominant a theme of the packaging as the name.”


Alcohol Concern


The company, Westbay Distributors Ltd, said that although it did not control the naming and labelling, it works closely with TWG, the USA manufacturers, on all aspects of marketing of the brand. Westbay said that they did not believe that the size of the lettering on strength was excessive. They consider clear declaration of the strength to be no more than responsible.

It was considered that the alcoholic strength was not the dominant feature of the label and concluded that the packaging was in conformity with the Code.


Action by Company

None required.