


We engage closely with the latest policy developments from across the UK to ensure that the voice of alcohol social responsibility is heard.  Below you will find the Portman Group’s responses to consultations conducted by the UK Government and Parliament, as well as the devolved nations.

Portman Group response to 10 Year Health Plan for England

Portman Group response to WHO consultation on key priority areas in the Director General’s report

Portman Group response to Scottish Beer and Pubs CPG inquiry on ‘Brand Scotland’ and the Scottish Beer and Pub Sector

Portman Group response to the Scottish Beer and Pub Cross-Party Group’s call for evidence on the contribution of the pub…

Portman Group response to Home Office consultation on alcohol licensing and age verification

The Portman Group response to the Home Office consultation on alcohol licensing and age verification.

Response to OHID consultation on low and no alcohol alternatives

Portman Group response to the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities consultation on updating labelling guidance for low and no…

Portman Group response to consultation on the draft UK clinical guidelines for alcohol treatment

The Portman Group responded to the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities consultation on the first ever UK clinical guidelines…

Portman Group response to NI Substance Use Strategic Commissioning and Implementation Plan Consultation

The Portman Group responded to the Northern Irish Public Health Agency consultation on the Substance Use Strategic Commissioning and Implementation…

Portman Group Response to Code Rule 3.2(h) Consultation 2023

The Portman Group consulted to amend Code Rule 3.2(h) to create consistency between the Naming, Packaging and Promotion of Alcoholic…

Responses to Code Rule 3.2(h) Consultation 2023

The consultation received written submissions from a range of stakeholders, including trade associations, the charity sector and alcohol producers all…

Portman Group response to the Scottish Government’s Minimum Unit Pricing Price Review Survey

The Portman Group is an evidence-based body and has been neutral in the discussion of the Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP)…

Portman Group response to the Major Conditions strategy: call for evidence

We welcome the Government’s call for evidence on its Major Conditions strategy, having responded to its previous consultations on mental…

Portman Group Code Review

Further enhancing protection for under-18s Code Review of rule 3.2(h): Particular appeal to under-18s. Call for responses by 7 July…

Scotland Alcohol Facts Snapshot

A two-page Scotland Alcohol Facts Snapshot infographic, outlining over a decade of declines across alcohol harms in Scotland – an…

Portman Group response to the Scottish Government’s consultation on restricting alcohol advertising and promotion – Executive Summary

A two-page executive summary of the Portman Group response to the Scottish Government’s consultation on restricting alcohol advertising and promotion.

Portman Group response to the Scottish Government’s consultation on restricting alcohol advertising and promotion

We share the Scottish Government’s commitment to tackling alcohol-related harm in Scotland. We welcome Government data which shows increasing moderation…

Portman Group response to Labour National Policy Forum Consultation: Prevention, early intervention and better public services for all

We welcome the National Policy Forum paper on prevention, early intervention and better public services and its policy proposals to…

Portman Group response to Public Accounts Committee inquiry into Alcohol Treatment Services

We welcome the Public Accounts Committee’s inquiry and believe that this it is timely to be focusing on heavier and…

Portman Group response to the Health and Social Care prevention inquiry: call for proposals

We welcome the Committee’s inquiry into prevention and would urge a focus on alcohol misuse and harms, rather than alcohol…

Portman Group response to Defra’s consultation on GB Alcoholic Drinks further to the New Zealand Free Trade Agreement

Defra and the Governments of Scotland and Wales are making minor changes to laws concerning alcoholic drinks with three amendments…

Portman Group response to Scottish Government MUP Consultation

The Portman Group is the UK alcohol industry self-regulator and social responsibility body. We are an evidence-based body and have…

Portman Group response to DHSC Mental Health and Wellbeing Call for Evidence

The Portman Group welcomes the opportunity to respond to the UK Department of Health and Social Care’s call for evidence…

Portman Group response to DCMS Online Advertising Programme Consultation

The Portman Group welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Department of Culture, Media and Sport’s (“DCMS”) Online Advertising Programme…

Portman Group response to Committee of Advertising Practice and Broadcast Committee of Advertising Practice consultation on new rules for alcohol alternatives

The Portman Group welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Committee of Advertising Practice (“CAP”) and Broadcast Committee of Advertising…

Portman Group response to Scottish Government New Cancer Strategy Consultation

The Portman Group welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Scottish Government’s consultation on developing a new cancer strategy.

Portman Group response to DHSC 10-Year Cancer Plan: Call for Evidence

The Portman Group welcomes the opportunity to respond to Department of Health and Social Care’s call for evidence in advance…

Portman Group response to draft Framework to strengthen implementation of the WHO European Action Plan to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol, 2022-2025

Portman Group response to the WHO Europe consultation on draft Framework to strengthen implementation of the WHO European Action Plan…

Flag Bunting Across Street

Portman Group response to WHO consultation on draft action plan to implement the Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol

The Portman Group promotes the UK industry as an example of industry best practices in response to the WHO consultation…

Portman Group Response to CAP Consultation

Portman Group response to Committee of Advertising Practice and Broadcast Committee of Advertising Practice consultation on amending the rule limiting…

Portman Group response to PHE methodology consultation

Portman Group response to PHE methodology consultation which may significantly lower estimates of alcohol-related deaths/admissions by around a quarter.

Northern Ireland Department of Health Consultation on the New Substance Use Strategy

Portman Group response to Northern Ireland Department of Health Consultation on the New Substance Use Strategy

Flag Bunting Across Street

WHO consultation on reducing the harmful use of alcohol

The Portman Group promotes the UK as an international example of industry best practice in submission to WHO consultation on…

House of Lords COVID-19 Committee inquiry: Life beyond COVID

Portman Group response to House of Lords COVID-19 Committee inquiry: Life beyondCOVID

Northern Ireland Department for Communities: Consultation on Liquor Licensing Laws in Northern Ireland

Portman Group response to Northern Ireland Department for Communities: Consultation on Liquor Licensing Laws in Northern Ireland

DHSC: Advancing our health: Prevention in the 2020s Consultation

Portman Group response to DHSC: Advancing our health: Prevention in the 2020s Consultation

Home Office Call for Evidence: Airside Alcohol Licensing in England and Wales

Portman Group response to Home Office Call for Evidence: Airside Alcohol Licensing in England and Wales

Drinks Menu

DHSC: Low Alcohol Descriptors Consultation

Portman Group response to DHSC: Low Alcohol Descriptors Consultation

London Assembly Alcohol Committee: Towards a 24 hour city – London’s culture and night time economy

Portman Group response to London Assembly Alcohol Committee: Towards a 24 hour city – London’s culture and night time economy

Department of Health How to keep health risks from drinking alcohol to a low level: public consultation on proposed new guidelines

Portman Group response to Department of Health – How to keep health risks from drinking alcohol to a low level:…

House of Commons Health Committee Inquiry into the Government’s Alcohol Strategy

Portman Group response to House of Commons Health Committee Inquiry into the Government’s Alcohol Strategy

House of Commons Science and Technology Inquiry into the evidence base for alcohol guidelines

Portman Group response to House of Commons Science and Technology Inquiry into the evidence base for alcohol guidelines

Further Reading